Sunday, August 16, 2009


Ada saw Lobak ARMPIT HAIR.....wahahahahahha
she still describe how long is it...lmao!!!
we can see how embarass she

sorry lobak...
because i said i will post it
dun kill me err and don't cry too...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I WON ^_^

badminton tournament today...
i suppose not to play for that...but still im so stubborn..
they FORCED to let me played in
most of them told me not to do so...but...........haha
i dun care!!!*hopeless
i won d match...
although i played bullshit...
anyway...we must not lose because we are d 2nd seed...
we'll feel shy if we lose...
but after that...
i feel that my leg had swollen+hurts more...T.T
not dare to tell anyone even my mummy...
tml is quater finals...
hope that we will win too...
till here...tataz
P/S : stay shhhhh....dun tell anyone if you see this...thx

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

another boring day~

well...absent from school today...went hospital doing some check up stuffie...of course is my leg...and also have an X-ray on my suspected to have scoliosis...some sort of sickness i think that related to the spine...but my spine have just slanted a little bit...the doc. said it is just minor prob. so thats nothing to do bout that...everyone might have scoliosis just whether they noticed it or not...spend my bloody 4 hours in da hopsital doing nothing...just simply read through some*kinda impossible thingie to me...met lao ee faye at d hospital too...she has her OL sickness...ain't a Office Lady but is Old she is so-called OL to me??because she always had that sickness that seldom happens among teenagers...for exp. faye for backstabbing...haha...

after that...follow my mum around penang...*quite just follow her to pay some bill...including summon mum have to thanks me...just because of me she only have d free time + chance to clear all those annoying bills...haha...finally i've done some good deeds though...haha...

3:08pm...time for a nap...nitex all...muackz...0.o

Monday, August 10, 2009


12th day after i wrench my leg....

my leg haven't get well yet although it has some cure symptoms...
all the briuses spread till my toe...
my leg feels cold even thats a sunny day maybe there is poor blood circulation....
still swollen but not as big as last few days ald....
and feel pain when walking....

have to go to chinese doc to massage my leg later...
hope i wont cry
bless me guys~

I am tagged!!!

遊戲規則:1、被點名的人在我空間將這篇文章轉載到自己空間中,然後在編輯, 刪去我的答案,要在自己的Q空間裡寫下自己的答案,然後傳給其他人, 列出個需要回答問題的人的名字,通知對方被點名了, 被點名者不得拒絕回答問題,完成遊戲的人將會永遠得到大家的祝福。2 、這個人要在自己的Q空間裡註明是從哪裡接到問題的, 並且再想一個題目傳給其他個人,讓幸福的遊戲繼續下去。3 、不能回傳,否則犯規!4 、被點到名字的人將得到大家的祝福,並且所有的美麗願望都會在不久後實現。5、請點10個朋友, 不准不點,點完後請通知那10個老朋友他們被點!


Q01、你的大名?★ lee hsu lin
Q02、你認為什麼才算是真正幸福?★ get anything i want...muahaha
Q03、你們覺得友情重要還是愛情重要,為什麼?★ friendship...friends forever wat...
Q04、你相信天長地久嗎?★ nop
Q05、你現在過得快樂麼?★ so far so good
Q06、如果有秘密,你真的會做到坦白的告訴對方嗎?★ mayb...but hav to c who dat guy is...
Q07、喜歡小Baby嗎?★ not really...especially when crying+shouting!!!feel like killing them!!!
Q08、覺得友情是永遠的麼?★ yup
Q10、你會為他做自己從來不會做的事情?★erm.....according to 'who is that person'...
Q13、一輩子都不會忘記的事?★ smth secret...haha
Q14、如果愛一個人,是不是要拼命挽回他?★yup...but do accept when being rejected....
Q15、看到天空你想起的第一個人是誰?★ no gua...
Q17、喜歡你的人和你喜歡的人,你會選哪個?★likes me
Q18、你會以何種方式表現你對他(她)的愛?★ some good impression i think
Q19、如果看到自己最愛的人熟睡在你面前你會做什麼?抱著他?★ stared at him..wahaha
Q20、如果你想痛扁一個人,你希望那個人是?★ someone i hate...(dunno who is that)
Q21、你會後悔過自己的決定嗎?★ sometimes
Q22、現在最迷什麼?★ $$
Q23、你是好孩子嗎?★ erm....have to ask somebody else
Q24、覺得愛情和麵包哪個重要?★ love
Q26、如果你的BF(GF)經常不回家的話,你會怎樣?★mad at them
Q27、现在给你勇气,你最想做些什么事?★ act on the


Q01、是誰傳給你這份問卷的?★kerli lao ee
Q02、你們認識多久呢?★form 3 till nw
Q03、TA對你來說重要嗎?★ not bad
Q05、請問TA的興趣是?★ act as lao ee??
Q06、你覺得TA的個性如何?★ except lao ee still lao ee
Q07、TA在你心目中是幾分?★ 70??80??90??
Q08、睡覺前第一件事?開風扇?喝水?★find my baby pillow...haha
Q09、你的偶像?★ random
Q12、打工次數?★ 1day
Q14、你討厭什麼樣的個性?★acting & ki hiao
Q15、你會抽煙麼?★ once...but loong loong time ago
Q16、你會喝酒麼?★ temperance since mid of last year
Q17、你常哭麼?★ after i wrench my leg!!!
Q18、你常笑麼?★ quite
Q19、你喜歡去哪玩?★ any places thats fun
anQ20、去玩時喜歡自己一個人去麼?★ no and impossible
Q21、是假日時你都睡到幾點?★ not depends on what time i slp...
Q22、今天的天氣是?★ rainny day
Q23、你們知道最遠的距離是什麽嗎?★ ??


Q1、我的BGM好听么?★whats dat??
Q2、你的皮包里有什么说说吧★monet,lots n lots of card,ic,some friends photo,rubbish??lol
Q3、你生命中最重要的人是?★ family and friends
Q4、啥东西是你喜欢吃的呀?★ tom yam and fish
Q6、你還喜歡他(她)嗎?★ erm.............
Q7、你觉得我坏吗?who r u??

★ 被点者:
chai hun
lou pheng
nini DS

Saturday, August 8, 2009

WHAT THE F***!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

god damn!!!!
tml is basketball competition ald.
but my leg still swollen till like a fcuking bun!!!
my aunt called up me just now and tell me not to play for it...
and she said that she'll pay for the registration fee that we ald. paid because my leg had become more worst than i act. think of...(this is what the chinese doc said)
she hope that i could probably make the right choice...
but i cant...
i dont want to disappoint my friend...
they had put a lot of efffort on it...
and just cause of my leg and ruined their hope!!!!
haiz....i really dunno what should i do!!!
and the competition is TOMOROW!!!!!!!!!!!ARGH!!!!!!!!

ald. more that a week...
why cant my bloody leg get cured instead of getting more worse???!!!!
i hate iTTTTTTTTTT!!!!
felli like killing someone though.......

this coming weekends got badminton competition...
also a team game....
hope my leg could cure right now.........