Friday, July 31, 2009



after playing badminton in school...
ada n chee want to go to penang centre for basketball...
at 1st im so tired and feel to reject them...
but then still follow them there..haha
when we heading to penang centre...
chee just dunno-what-happen and her scooter and her dragged in da middle of da road...
i think she's overturned her handle...
luckily...nth serious...thx god
and this is just da 1st incident....
after applying some medicine on it...
we still headed to penang centre to play basketball...
after a while...
i accidentally step on chee high basketball shoe then blablabla...and BOOOYA!!!
i wrench my leg!!!
and it swollen immediately...
OMG!!!that really hurts a lot...
i lied on da floor...
grapping my leg n cry...haha
few of them gather around and slightly 'laugh' at me i think...
feel to cover up my embarrass + shameful...
after that...
i really caused many inconvinient prob. to ada n chee....
sry bout that....
and this is da 2nd incident...

this pic took on da same day i wrenched...

i hardly walk hardly bath ......
even relax my leg and so on and so forth..haiz....

this took on 31/7
all swollen and bruises...
i went to hosp. after tuition...
the doctor shock when saw my
he stamp a 'segera' on an X-Ray form...
after X-ray...
da doctor told me there's no fractured...
but he still cant tell whether there is any ligament or tendon tear due to my swollen is too big...
i'll have to consult d doc again after 1 week...
back to da 3rd incident...
when ada is on da way to fetch nini home...
she accidentally scratched a mercedes benz...
luckily da driver is not there....
if not i think she's gonna pay for it!!!
how an unlucky day for 3 of us...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


not really in good mood recently....
just to gave out vent today~


wow...much more better now...

p/s:pls do accept my siao-ing...thx

Friday, July 24, 2009


today is my sis birthday...i dont even know bout that!!!
a friend of her from Aus. called my mum at 3am n tell mummy that my sis was sad because no relative wished her happy B'day although she is karaok-ing with her friends in
my mum called my sis and they talk non-sop as we haven seen each other for years...
she promised me that she will come to malaysia but because of economy crisis , her company broke so she 'PPK' me again...T.T
we talk and talk and make me nearly cry...haha
she will go to Aus. after 2 or 3 years...
so hope that i could manage to go to Aus. to further my study too~
and this is our promise...
hope that u dont break it again...
miss u so much sis...

p/s : 她是我同父异母的姐姐~

Tuesday, July 21, 2009











11:00 [华语节]

考过了 bio 和 bm 就只剩 sej..







>>pn kong : 系菱,你知道你扣了125分吗??pk HEM 说如果你再不做功课就要留堂了!!

>>lobak : 为什么没有被buang??

>>pn kong : 因为pk HEM 说她已经最后一年了...要转校很麻烦...

>>cherlyn : ............................

>>?? : 那以后什么都很难申请咯??包过上大学??

>>pn kong : 对咯...自己找来的...

>>cherlyn : HAR!!!!!!!!!!!...................................................*almost fainted



今天的系菱 了~

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Happy birthday again~

may all ur wishes and dream comes true~

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Heal The World ><

There's a place, In your heart
And I know that it is loveAnd this place
Could be much brighter than tomorrowAnd if you,
Really tryYou'll find there's no need to cryIn this place
You'll feel There's no hurt or sorrow
There are ways to get thereIf you care enough for the living,
Make a little space Make a better place
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living,
Make a better place for You and for me
If you want, to know why
There's a love that cannot lieLove is strong
It only cares for joyful giving
If we try we shall see
In this bliss we cannot feel
Fear or dread
We stop existing and start living
Then it feels that always
Love's enough for us growing
Make a better world,Make a better world.
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living,
Make a better place for you and for me
And the dream we would conceived in Will reveal a joyful face
And the world we once believed in
Will shine again in grace
Then why, Do we keep strangling life
Wound this earth crucify it's soul
Though it's plain to see this world is heavenly
Be God's glow.
We could fly, So high
Let our spirits never dieI
n my heart
I feel You are all my brothers
Create a world, with no fear
Together we'll cry happy tears
See the nations
Turn Their swords into plow share
We could really get there
If you cared enough for the living,
Make a little space To make a better place.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


用情最為專一者:  巨蟹座男生、魔羯座女生
用情最為善變者:  雙子座男生、水瓶座女生
最有女人味的人:  雙魚座男生、雙魚座女生
最有男子氣概的人: 魔羯座男生、牡羊座女生
做事最慢條斯理者: 金牛座男生、雙魚座女生
最有理財概念的人: 天秤座男生、巨蟹座女生
最有多才多藝的人: 雙子座男生、雙魚座女生
最缺乏才藝性的人: 魔羯座男生、金牛座女生
最有家庭概念的人: 巨蟹座男生、巨蟹座女生
心機最重的人:   處女座男生、天蠍座女生
最沒心機的人:   射手座男生、雙魚座女生
最會記愁的人:   天蠍座男生、處女座女生
最不記愁的人:   獅子座男生、雙魚座女生
做事最有計劃的人: 天蠍座男生、水瓶座女生
做事最沒計劃的人: 雙魚座男生、雙魚座女生
最大方的人:    獅子座男生、獅子座女生
最小氣的人:    金牛座男生、處女座女生
最愛乾淨的人:   天秤座男生、處女座女生
最不愛乾淨的人:  獅子座男生、射手座女生
最熱愛自由的人:  牡羊座男生、射手座女生
最愛說大話的人:  獅子座男生、牡羊座女生
最謙遜有禮的人:  巨蟹座男生、天秤座女生
最情緒化的人:   巨蟹座男生、牡羊座女生
情緒最穩定的人:  水瓶座男生、天秤座女生
最有領導欲望的人: 獅子座男生、射手座女生
最善解人意的人:  巨蟹座男生、雙魚座女生
最木頭的人:    處女座男生、魔羯座女生
最心細的人:    天蠍座男生、巨蟹座女生
最粗心的人:    牡羊座男生、牡羊座女生
最會做夢的人:   巨蟹座男生、雙魚座女生
最實際的人:    金牛座男生、天秤座女生
最會寫情書的人:  雙魚座男生、巨蟹座女生
最不會寫情書的人: 牡羊座男生、金牛座女生
最受異性歡迎的人: 雙子座男生、雙魚座女生
最好色者:     金牛座男生、天蠍座女生
最不好色者:    水瓶座男生、魔羯座女生
最會調情的人:   天蠍座男生、雙魚座女生
最不會調情的人:  天秤座男生、魔羯座女生
最愛好和平的人:  金牛座男生、巨蟹座女生
最愛引起爭端的人: 獅子座男生、牡羊座女生
最愛好自然的人:  雙子座男生、天蠍座女生
最欣賞人工的人:  射手座男生、射手座女生
最愛另類怪異者:  天秤座男生、水瓶座女生
最鐵齒的人:    水瓶座男生、雙子座女生

philosophy of life

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.
5. Pay off your credit cards every month.
6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.
13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.
16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else. 20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words ''In five years, will this matter?".
27. Always choose life.
28. Forgive everyone everything.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give time, time.
31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.
37. Your children get only one childhood. 38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved. 39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.
41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
42. The best is yet to come.
43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
44. Yield.
45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.


小学生作文 请屏住呼吸,千万不要笑出来> > 星期一到了……小英在交完作业後,中午马上被老师叫去罚站,


今天是礼拜日,虽然昨天去海洋公园玩到晚上11:00多,可是今天我们起了个大早,就到海洋公园旁边的太平山去摘水果,因为奶奶跟爷爷就住在太平山。我们到了太平山下後,就鞋子脱了开始爬山,大约1分钟就到山顶了。山顶上的空气很好,爷爷带我们去他的果园。哇……爷爷的果园好大,种了好多果树,有西瓜树、草莓树、菠萝树……因为我太小了爬不上树,爷爷就爬上西瓜树,摘了一颗最大的西瓜丢给爸爸,爸爸用一只手就接起来了!果园还有很多长在地上的水果,像苹果、梨子、椰子等等……爷爷摘了一些椰子,用手把椰子皮剥掉,去籽,然後分给每个人吃。椰子好好吃喔!我吃了20几个。表弟还拿椰子丢我的脸,痛死了!吃完了水果大餐,我们到太平山旁边的喜玛拉雅山去玩,听老师说喜玛拉雅山是> 世界上最高的山。果然老师没有骗我们,我跟表弟爬呀爬,大概爬了2分钟才到山顶,我热死了。後来我们还是觉得很热,就到山顶泡温泉。好冰凉的温泉哦~喜玛拉雅山真是个好地方。後来表弟问我有没有钱,他看到山顶附近有卖麦当劳。死表弟,每次都跟我借钱!我们还在买的时候,听到妈妈在太平山那里喊我们回家,只好依依不舍的走了太平山跟喜玛拉雅山真是个好玩的地方,我以後还要叫爸爸、妈妈带我们来玩。爸爸说如果这次考试,我第一名,这个星期日,他还要带我去东京、北京、南京去玩,我最想去西京,因为我表妹就住在西京。她说其实课本是骗人的,西京有比喜玛拉雅山更高的山,大概要爬3分钟,上面还有很大的夜市跟儿童乐园,还有清澈的小溪。

导师评语:内容矛盾百出,极尽夸大之能事,不知所见,乃本人教书20馀年来所未曾见,下次请务必注意 。

今天早上爸爸带我们全家去动植物公园,沿路上蝉声一直吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱 吱吱吱吱 吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱 吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱吱,叫个不停,感觉很舒服。
导师评语: 内容属实,能一改前非,但全篇用了五百多个「吱」字 > 乃本人教书20馀年来所未曾见,下次请务必注意


我和弟弟一起试着大叫━━「你好吗」果然大约三秒之後就听到: 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗> 你好吗你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗> 你好吗 你好吗你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗> 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗> 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗> > 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好> 吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗> 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好> 吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗你好吗 你好吗 你好吗> 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗你好吗 你好吗> 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗你好吗> 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗> 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 一个字都没变,课本说的音波反射,我终於体会到了。真是有意义的一天。

导师评语: 能从中学习,为师十分高兴 ,但全篇共用约二百句「你好吗」 乃本人教书20馀年来所未曾见 , 下次请务必注意

话说老师对小英的偷懒式作文不能苟同,不再出游记式作文,想想如何激发小英作文潜能,便再出一道:《最难忘的一件事》 小英咬着铅笔作出努力思考样,终於下笔疾书,交出後自忖:老师应该不会再处罚我> 了,不禁面露傻笑。

上星期五放学回家时,在我家门前看见一沱大便,当时我吃了一斤:「谁这麽缺德,在我家门前拉大便。」我赶快叫姊姊出来,姊姊看了也吃了一斤,破囗道:「真没公德心!这麽没水准!」姊姊叫我拿扫把一起扫掉后来妈妈知道後也出来看,同样也吃了一斤,叫道:「作孽喔!」爸爸听到妈妈的叫声赶快出来看个究竟,也吃了一斤。「谁干的?」邻居王妈妈刚买菜回来,看了也吃了一斤。王伯伯、王小明出来看也都吃了一斤,不一会儿聚集了十多人,大家都吃了一斤, 最後打119,消防队员们在吃了一斤後总算把那沱大便给清除了,真是最难忘的一> 件事。

导师评语:有进步 , 要注意错别字,是「吃了一惊」,不是「吃了一斤」,这沱大便总共有二十来斤 哪个人有这本事

Monday, July 6, 2009

Unlucky day??

am i unlucky 2day???
as usual...
woke up late in the morning..(bout 7 if not mistaken)
rushing to school with my FAKE [F1 formula]
im following behind a car....*quite near i think*
she turn without notice my existance!!!
i could'nt brake in time and bang on her car!!!OMG
im quite calm that time..
and all i think is just that dont wanna be late to school...*abnormal huh??

i appologize to her then..
but she scolded me!!!!
{sorry apa??!!kamu salah!!!tunggu sini dulu!!!}*alamak
she get down and check her car...
not really that serious...just some scratches....
but she act like thats very serious!!!WTH
only she let me go when many ppl stared at her...*evil laugh

i've bring durian to school too...
my class is covered with durian smell...
that really nice...haha
but most of my class mates are pinching their nose!!
aduih!!gong gong tai!!!
except gor shing ying...haha

p/s: eat durian with

my teacher even worst!!!
say i bring durian is to get notice in class!!! *i dont need that*

thats all for today...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

My Weekends

well , woke up damn early in da morning...
even earlier than school days...
cause going for food dana...
that means to give food to the monk~
after that..
going back home and start my dreams again~
my uncle even gave me a name-SLEEPING DEWI!!!!*argh*
quite a boring weekends...
since i've download the PPS software..
i watched movie for whole day...
when im sleepy i'll sleep then...
after wake up and continue my movie again!!!
lol...what a waste of time..
what to do...
lazy to study what..*aikz*
watch some horror movie...
sort like torturing...haha..
i LOVE it!!!
mayb some of them will think that im insane...
or girl should'nt has a hobby like this??lol
but...this is me...
and its my style
i love it and i'll do it.
not influences by others comment~
till here...
continuing my movie~
not torturing nor comedy...
but is ghost....

Thursday, July 2, 2009

National Service!!

[GOV] service really sux till the max!!!
It cost me RM1.00 to check whether i've choosen for the NS!!!
i dont mind to pay for it..
im not that stingy though...
but Smth really irritates me is that tekan 1 for blablabla...
tekan 2 for blablabla....tekan 3 for blablabla...
this stuff really sux...
just to check some minor thg
but it took bout 5 SMS to get smth i want!!!
thats too over!!!and I REALLY MEANT IT!!!!*gosh*
i'll leave here asap if i could affort it!!!

back to the point....

finally i receive the msg n it say *harap maaf , 920410-07-**** tidak dipilih*
im dishartened.............
all my hope gone......*crushed*
u can know hw badly i wanted to go for NS....*haiz*
some of my friends had been selected...
but they still dont want to go....
i wish i could replace them.....*full of jealousy*
i really dont understand why they dun want to go...
this is such a GREAT opportunity to learn to be more independant , responsibility , more courage..........
too much good for this...
and its only happen once in our entire life....
not too long and only for 3 month or mayb less....
except for those are joining armed force...*grhhh*

i've decide to apply for the voluntery form...
but i've no idea about that...
i dunno where to get it...
hw i get it...
who to get from.......blablabla...*rubbish*

anyone can help me.....???
i just wanna know where to get the form....
bless me??
lol....thx lot~